Top 10 Locations To Retire on Only Your Social Security Benefits

A third of retirees count on their Social Security check as their primary source of income, which isn’t a substantial amount. In fact, the average Social Security check was $1,241 in January 2016. Of course, ever year this number adjusts to accommodate inflation, but it’s still not a robust sum of money. Living costs are…

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2017 Brings A 0.3% Increase For Social Security Benefits

With days left to the National Elections, the topic of Social Security has entered further into the national consciousness. This was further enhanced by the recent announcement of a 0.3 percent increase for those receiving Social Security Benefits. This planned increase does not take place until 2017 but estimates of its impact on recipients are already…

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Where Should You Get Your Retirement Income?

One of the simplest investment truths is to not put all your eggs in one basket. Diversity is the key to having a financially successful retirement. There’s always a certain degree of risk you are taking when investing, so make sure you invest your retirement funds in multiple areas. Here are the optimal investment options…

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Do You Know The 6 Secrets To Retire By 50?

Does it seem like the likelihood of retiring early is an unattainable dream? Well, think again it’s not a completely unrealistic goals to retire by age 50. Of course, it won’t be an easy task and requires intentional planning and immediate action. Here are seven guidelines to set you up for an early retirement. Save…

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5 Of The Biggest Myths About Social Security

The social security system is very intricate and can lead to misinterpretations. For this reason, there can be some common beliefs that are fallacies. Here are the four myths most people believe to be true and are not. Myth 1: Collect Benefits Early If you opt to take your benefits between 62 and full retirement age they…

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New Social Security Rules You Can Benefit From

There were a couple of loopholes to get pay raises through social security; however, that will all change May 1st. On Nov. 2, 2015 the Bipartisan Budget Act was signed which suspended the File and Suspend and Restricted Application for anyone between 62 and 66. The extra benefits are over for those who knew how to take advantage of…

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9 Important Deadlines to Maximize Your Retirement Benefits

Ready for the inside scoop? Here are a few essential deadlines that will help you maximize your ability to save on taxes, avoid government penalties and capitalize on fees while you’re on your way to retirement. Age 50If you’re retired police, medic, and/or firefighter, you can take penalty-free distributions from your plan at age 50,…

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Why Low-Income Americans Should Be Allowed To Opt Out Of Social Security

“Race and Retirement Insecurity in the United States”, a new study published by the National Institute on Retirement Security, shows a morose picture of the retirement savings of minority American families. The mean amount of retirement savings held by black households is $20,132 and $17,600 by Latino household, which are paltry when compared to the…

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Senator’s Crusade To Wake Up America With Retirement Debate

Democratic Senator Tom Harkin isn’t retiring his crusade to wake Americans up when it comes to the touchy subject of retirement.  In a proposal to call out fear-mongers for their role in blaming the national debt on Social Security, he is urging Washington to realize how much retirement is in major crisis. The national debt…

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