Posts Tagged ‘Disabled’
People with Food Allergies May be Considered Disabled
Disability law firms are banding to propose a federal disabilities law that would consider people with severe food allergies to be disabled. This helps folks with food allergies by forcing establishments to provide them menus to fit their diets. The problem is that schools, restaurants, and anywhere else that serves food might be faced with legal challenges…
Read MoreIowa Advocates Criticizes Iowa for Denying Support Services to the Disabled
On April 9th, Advocates for Iowans with mental disabilities or brain injuries gathered at the Statehouse to denounce the years-long waiting lists for support services. According to the advocates, 7,700 Iowans are waiting for a Medicaid waiver that would grant them access to medical services such as in-home therapy, living-skills training and respite care. Kim…
Read MoreThe Truth About Social Security
If you only knew the mechanics behind Social Security. Many of you out there – actually a third of workers – expect to receive Social Security benefits when hitting the retirement age. You expect SS to be your primary source of income. Guess what? The Social Security Administration has gone on record, stating that unless…
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