What Will Change in 2015 for Social Security?

The year 2015 will see some positive changes in Social Security. Beneficiaries of the program will receive a 1.7% increase in payments, and some workers will receive statements of benefits in the mail showing their future retirement benefit. The 1.7% cost of living increase will amount to about $22 more per month for a typical retiree.…

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Avoid the Fall Out – Understand Your SSI Benefits

Supplemental Security Income or SSI is a program administered by the Social Security Administration. It consists of benefits paid to people with a limited income and resources, who are disabled, blind, or over the age of 65. In addition, children who are disabled or blind may be eligible for SSI. Read more…

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How to Proceed When a Social Security Disability Claim is Denied

People with real needs are often denied Social Security Disability benefits – even when they are eligible. Often, the denial does not stem from eligibility issues but from the complexity of coordinating multiple government agencies. In these situations, those seeking Social Security benefits must take initiative to protect their own interests. Successful appeals for benefits…

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