Senior Citizens Are Doing Cartwheels For Senator Brown’s Social Security Boost
Senior Citizens of Orange County you can start putting that time-share in Florida to good use thanks to Senator Sharrod Brown of Toledo, Ohio. Brown is aiding in backing the “Strengthening Social Security Act of 2013” which would provide senior citizens with increased benefits and the ability to pay off past debts.
Due to the costs of living and the economy, Brown proposes this act would come into play as extremely crucial at this junction in society. Staggering statistics prove more than half of two thirds of American Senior Citizens rely on social security as income and 90 percent of one third of American Seniors rely on social security for their income as well! In addition, one quarter of American senior citizens garner their income solely from social security.
Brown argues, “Social Security has not contributed to the deficit, and it’s not part of that, so we should debate how do we fix retirement security and responsibly pay for it, as our bill does.”
Senior citizens nationwide will be spending more leisure time on the golf course or in a blissful game of bingo if the bill passes! This would mean an increase in Social Security wages as well as establishing cost of living plans that would match the living expenses of those retired.
Contact a skilled OC social security attorney today.