Kenneth G. Marks Law Firm Moves Offices to Accommodate Clients

San Juan Capistrano, CA – Kenneth G. Marks Law Firm is proud to have moved to a new office located at 30950 Rancho Viejo Road, Suite 120, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675. The new office is within the same business center as its old office. Located in the building next door, the new office is on the ground floor which makes it a better location for clients while also better accommodating them.

Clients who are coming into the new location can rest assured that Kenneth G. Marks Law Firm has all that it takes to strictly follow the safety protocols for in-person meetings. In addition, the new office offers phone and video conference meetings to clients which makes it a lot easier for clients who would rather not be present physically at the office.

As a disability attorney that is focused on assisting those applying for social security disability income, Kenneth G. Marks remains committed to making sure that all clients get the help they need while also not compromising their health.

Encouraging more people who are trying to apply for social security and disability income to seek professional help, the attorney representing the law firm said, “The social security and disability system is laden with bureaucracy and red tape that triggers automatic denials of claims. Even if you are entitled to compensation, you may be denied based on a technicality or inadvertent “wrong” answer. We strongly advise that you seek the advice of an experienced social security and disability law professional should you encounter any denial of your compensation.”

Kenneth G. Marks Law Firm walks clients through the process and helps them to better understand the potential triggers that could lead to the denial of their claim. The attorney also works closely with clients to ensure that their claim is filed appropriately.

Kenneth G. Marks Law Firm maintains constant and open communication with clients from the start to the end of their claim to ensure that clients understand the dos and don’ts of social security and disability claims.

Kenneth G. Marks Law Firm can be reached at its new office located at 30950 Rancho Viejo Road, Suite 120, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675, US, or via phone at (949) 356-0422 for a free consultation. For additional information regarding the legal services offered, visit the law firm’s website.