Understanding Supplemental Security Income
Supplemental Security Income or SSI is a program administered by the Social Security Administration. It consists of benefits paid to people with a limited income and resources, who are disabled, blind, or over the age of 65. In addition, children who are disabled or blind may be eligible for SSI.
The application for SSI and Social Security are the same. But the programs are very different. Social Security eligibility is based upon the individual paying into the social security program. You are termed as an insured member. SSI benefits are not predicated upon prior work by you or a family member.
To be eligible to receive SSI you must be disabled, blind, or at least 65 years old and have limited income and resources. You must also be a legal resident of the US, not be absent from the country for 30 consecutive days, and be either a US citizen, national or be a qualified non-citizen.
The general fund of the U.S. Treasury office finances SSI. Social Security is funded by Social Security (FICA) taxes that are paid while you are working.
Supplemental Security IncomeA majority of the states offer medical assistance to SSI payees. In addition they may provide a supplemental payment to some SSI payees.
Assistance with food is provided to SSI payees in every state except California.
Supplemental Security Income benefits are paid on the first day of the month.
The disability or medical standards are somewhat the same for both social security and supplemental security income programs for people 18 years old or older. For children to the age of 18, medical standards are used and not financial need.
In order to be eligible to receive SSI benefits, a child must be blind or disabled. When the child reaches the age of 18, the case is re-evaluated using the adult requirements.
Kenneth G. Marks Law Firm
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Whether you are at the age of retirement or disabled, the Kenneth G. Marks Law Firm will work to get you the benefits you need. Contact us today for a free evaluation.
Kenneth G. Marks
Social Security & Disability Attorney
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