Social Security Disability Claims Spiraling Out of Control

Social Security Disability claims are skyrocketing.  In 2011, the US government paid more than 23 million Americans about $250 billion in disability claims.  And with claim money running out in 2016, politicians are being forced to raise taxes, cut the benefits, or dip into the Social Security funds for more dough.

Why is this happening?  Well, there are several theories…one of the most popular pointing to the economic recession.

Andrew Houtenville, an economics professor at the University of New Hampshire’s Institute on Disability states, “People are looking for options in terms of income support.”

Some of these people don’t even have any work experience.  Yes, a very unsettling statement to make.

Want to read more and learn about the other theories?  Visit CNN Money. Contact Kenneth G Marks Law Firm to schedule an appointment today.

Kenneth G. Marks is an aggressive Social Security Disability attorney who will fight for you!