Is There a Social Security Crisis in America?
As the 2015 term of the Congress got underway, Republican members of the House started their attack on Social Security . Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) described it as the GOP lawmakers are “inventing a Social Security Crisis”.
The Social Security program was developed to provide retirement benefits to seniors and has a program for disability insurance for those people who cannot work due to health issues.
The disability insurance program has historically suffered from being short of funds. During these occasions, Congress moved money from other parts of the Social Security program to fund the disability program shortfalls. This transfer of funds has been done eleven times over the years, without much attention.
Due to more people needing this disability insurance, shortfalls are projected for next year. Republicans in Congress are opposed to provide the needed funds to the disability insurance program.
Recently, GOP lawmakers advanced their cause to make providing the needed funds for the disability insurance almost impossible.
Adopted changes in Social Security regulations now state that any transfers must “improve the overall financial health of the combined Social Security Trust Funds.” Experts believe that any transfer to help the Disability Insurance Program must now be balanced by either additional revenue, or cuts to benefits.
This unpublicized action in Congress apparently opens the door for proposed Social Security cuts. Without a corrective action, Social Security Disability benefits to individuals who are unable to work, may face drastic cuts.
The action by this new Congress affecting Social Security benefits came as a surprise to many.
Kenneth G. Marks Law Firm
The application process for benefits under Social Security or Social Security Disability is lengthy and very tedious. In some cases, even if your physician has determined that you are disabled, you may not qualify for benefits. A simple typo on the application could be cause for denial. For something as important as critical income, if you have been denied benefits, we strongly urge you to seek the services of an experienced social security disability attorney who specializes in social security and disability to get you the benefits you deserve.