Protestors Want Lawmakers to Scrap the FICA Wage Cape
Protestors at a rally in downtown Chicago want lawmakers to protect America’s social security. A wage cap has been imposed on the Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) tax that hinders a lot of workers and protestors want the makers to “scrap the cap”.
Along with scrapping the cap, the demonstrators want to see the full Social Security benefit retirement age to remain at 67.
Jean Horcher, who delivered a letter to the offices of U.S. Senators Mark Kirk and Dick Durbin asking to schedule a meeting, says, “They’re trying to take money away from poor seniors, and I know a lot of poor seniors that live in my building. Social Security is all they’ve got; they have trouble affording soap and toothpaste.”
The letter reads, “Your constituents have tried to meet with you to share their concerns on the single most important issue to seniors – protecting and strengthening Social Security. We want you to commit to scrapping the cap, as well as not accepting any budget plan that includes raising the retirement age and switching to a chained (Consumer Price Index) CPI.”
U.S. Rep Danny K. Davis joined the demonstrators in support of their list of demands, claiming, “We need to protect our seniors.”
To read more head over to Progress Illinois. Contact Kenneth G Marks Law Firm to schedule an appointment today.